For over 25 years Bodax is representing several companies in the metal production industry.
Bodax Spare Parts
At site of the representations that we have, we are frequently asked to quote and deliver spare parts of all kind, mechanical and electrical. Due to the fact that we have a great network we can quote for a good price and fast delivery time.
FACCIN Srl for years have been the undisputed world leader in designing, manufacturing and selling plate bending rolls, section bending rolls, dishing and flanging lines for large dome ends.
Johannes Hübner
Johannes Huebner Giessen is the international market leader in encoder systems for high-performance drive applications.
LEONARD Engineering
Engineers, manufacture and distribute all over the world mechanic and electronic rotary cam switches with some accessories.
M + C Antriebstechnik / Gemota
Planning, construction and distribution of three-phase-, gear- and roller table-motors.
Noise and wear, particularly when going round bend, on wheels and rails from rail vehicles is a problem for operators and people living near the track. REBS has now established a 25-year track record with its patented REBS wheel flange lubrication system for rail vehicles!
Sogelam settled up as a professional manufacturer and lead marketer of high precision cutting tools and machine knives for over 80 years.
The group GHH-Valdunes is the European leader for the production and sales of forged wheels, axles, wheelsets, brake beams.